What To Do (Armonk, Bedford, and Chappaqua) Events October 2015


October 26-November 1:

Making a Difference Benefit Dinner for Pace Women’s Justice Center: Join event co-chairs Robin Schlaff and Audrey Stone at this year’s event that will honor the Honorable Janet DiFiore, Asst. Chief Anne FitzSimmons and Lawrence McElroen, Esq. The Pace Women’s Justice Center offers legal assistance and free legal clinics for victims of domestic violence and for seniors who are victims of abuse and financial exploitation. Wed, 10/28: 6pm. (Abigail Kirsch at Tappan Hill, 81 Highland Ave., Tarrytown; www.pace.edu)

Local! The Garden Conservancy’s Open Days:Featured in the Garden Conservancy’s new book,Outstanding American Gardens, Iroki, the home and garden of Judy and Michael Steinhardt in Mt. Kisco will be open to the public on Saturday, October 31 from 9am-5pm. This fifty-eight-acre rolling estate is offers extensive collections of Japanese maples, conifers, cypripediums, camellias, dahlias, alpines, ferns, and rare woodland plants, all artfully composed within various gardens throughout the property. There are several unique bridges (including a rope and a moss bridge), a “stick house” and secret paths. There is a Japanese Maple Garden, a yellow garden, orchards, a perennial garden, a vegetable garden, an ornamental grass garden, and an experimental garden. Trees and plants are labeled throughout the garden. Please note that due to rough terrain and unpaved paths, this garden is not handicapped accessible. For directions to this garden call the Garden Conservancy during busy hours at 1-888-842-2442. www.gardenconsvancy.org

Theatre, Dance & Comedy: My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish and I’m In Therapy concludes its run at WPPAC this week. Show Boat continues at The Westchester Broadway Theatre. Read more.

Another big week in Music: Features Dave Davies of the Kinks and the Anderson Ponty Band at the Ridgefield Playhouse, The Who at the Garden, Mavis Staples & Joan Osborne and The Mavericks are at The Tarrytown Music Hall and Caramoor’s Evning Rising Stars perform chamber music at The Rosen House. Two big events for Dead Heads this week: Phil Lesh & Friends are at The Capitol Theatre in Port Chester and Dead & Company featuring John Mayer, Bob Weir, Mickey Hart and Bill Kreutzman play at The Garden. Read more.

A Taste of Westchester: Westchester Community College’s A Taste of Westchester cooking classes and tasting dinners comes to 121 Restaurant in North Salem and The Horse and Hound inn in South Salem this week. Read more.

article from: http://www.whattododigital.com/what-to-do-events-october-2015/?utm_source=October+27+Draft&utm_campaign=Foodie+Alert+in+Chappaqua&utm_medium=email 

Ardsley, N.Y., Stretching the Housing Budget



Steve Dumas, 35, and his wife, Suzanne, 36, were renting an apartment in Tarrytown last year and looking for a house with “enough space so we didn’t have to move in a few years,” said Mr. Dumas, who is the senior director of strategy for a startup in Midtown Manhattan. They also had a bit of a deadline: Ms. Dumas, a social worker for Montefiore Medical Center, was pregnant with their first child.

A former colleague of Mr. Dumas’s lived in Ardsley, N.Y., and recommended the village to them. Mr. Dumas, who grew up in Rockland County, had also heard good things about the school system.

The couple closed last spring on a three-bedroom three-bath ranch near the elementary school, paying $650,000, and moved into it in June. It’s just a short walk to get coffee or get onto a hiking trail, they said, and they already have a future friend in mind for their son, Quinn, who was born in August — Mr. Dumas’s former colleague gave birth to a baby boy in May.

“We picked a good time to come,” Mr. Dumas said.

The village of one square mile, part of the town of Greenburgh, has managed to retain its small-town appeal over the years despite the slicing in half of its business district by the construction of the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway in the 1950s. It is a community where residents “care a lot for each other,” said Lauren Allan, the superintendent of the Ardsley school district, who moved to the village with her family when she was 12.

Although not on the Hudson River — and not to be confused with Ardsley-on-Hudson, which is a section of Irvington — the village, with hills, winding roads and green spaces, is grouped by real estate agents with the river towns, where houses have been selling briskly lately.

A house in Ardsley, if priced correctly, “goes in a 30-day period,” said Michael Criscuolo, an associate broker with Houlihan Lawrence in Ardsley.

Francie Malina, an agent with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Dobbs Ferry, said a majority of her clients are young families from Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island City, Queens, looking for a “low-key lifestyle” who may not have the budget for Scarsdale or Bronxville. “You can get a lot of house for the price in Ardsley,” she said.

An easy commute to Midtown Manhattan is a big draw, agents and buyers say, but traffic can be a problem. To help with that, traffic lanes are being added and widened in the business district, and there are plans to replace the Ashford Avenue Bridge linking the village to Dobbs Ferry, said Meredith S. Robson, the Ardsley village manager.

article from: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/11/realestate/ardsley-new-york-village.html?emc=eta1&_r=1

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article from: http://www.edelmanfinancial.com/Promotions/KnowForSure?pid=9819&utm_source=WestchesterMagazine-WhitePlains&utm_medium=EmailBlast&utm_campaign=KnowForSure

4 Tips to Remember When Purchasing a Home

4 Tips to Remember when Purchasing a Home

Purchasing a home is the largest purchase you will most likely make during your lifetime. If you've saved money along the way and are now ready to take the plunge, here are 4 things you should know before purchasing a home.

  • Credit goes a long way

Correct any issues or mistakes on your credit report and make sure that all credit items are paid on-time and in the full amount. You can pull your credit report at any of the three credit reporting agencies: ExperianEquifax andTransUnion. You may discover that something is on your report that was not purchased or opened by you. Typically, it takes a few months to get mistakes taken off and for your credit report to go up in score. The cleaner your credit report history is, the easier it will be on you to purchase your home.

  • Get pre-approved
    Before even beginning your home search, talk with your mortgage loan officer to get pre-approved. You may think you can afford a much larger and more expensive home than what is approved on paper or vice versa. Then, you can make a better judgment of the homes in your price range and make a serious offer on the house you want. Plus, during this time, you can speak with your loan officer about rates and what you may qualify for when the time comes to putting your loan package together.


  • According to CNN Money, the rule of thumb is that you can buy housing that runs about two-and-one-half times your annual salary. Make sure you're not getting in too deep though, because if you like to travel, shop or spend extra money on entertainment, you may want to spend less on your home to free-up the extra income. The point of purchasing a home is to not feel trapped or "house poor," but to enjoy your home and social life outside of the home.  You can use this calculator for a general idea.


  • Hire a home inspector
    When purchasing your home, hire a home inspector to make sure there aren't any problems with the home. A home inspector can tell you if you will have any major or minor repairs in the future and how much they could cost. For example, if you're thinking about putting a bid on a home and the foundation needs to be repaired, you could spend thousands of dollars on that alone. It may sway you to keep looking rather than purchasing the first home you've put a bid on.

All in all, if you're thinking about purchasing a home, there are many things to think about such as school districts, how far your drive will be from work and even yard maintenance. But, the most important piece to the home purchase puzzle is doing your research before going to the table to start the loan process.


Article from: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/4-tips-remember-when-purchasing-home-andy-anderson 

Simple and Easy Fall Front Doors

Lorri Dyner shares her favorite fall door décor.

I love it when my neighbors decorate their front doors for fall. When I run (okay, more like walk) through the ‘hood every morning, all the wreaths and pumpkins make me feel grateful that a new, beautiful fall season is here.

But I also know how intimidating it can be to decorate your front door for fall. Who has time, right? And where do you get all that stuff, anyway?

I totally get it. But I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. There’s a simple formula for getting your front door fall-ready in a snap: All you need to do is choose from three elements.

1) Pumpkins and Mums

Let’s start with the easiest idea. (I’m lumping these guys together because they go hand-in-hand.)  Here are places where you can find pumpkins and mums: Your local grocery store, Trader Joe’s (for the best prices), Costco, and Home Depot.

Here are the instructions. Bring pumpkins and mums home. Pile them along the sides of your front door. Done! Seriously, does it get easier than that? And look how pretty it is.

Via Designs of Home

2) The Wreath

If you want to take it slightly up a notch, I suggest adding in element number two, the wreath.

In the photo below, what really makes the scene say “fall” is the wreath (okay, and the pumpkins). But doesn’t that wreath really make the scene?

Via Anika Mari

Of course, online shopping makes all of this easier. Here’s a great one – reasonably priced – that has that fall look:

And it's actually on sale right now

3) Corn Stalks

This is one of my go-to fall decorating tricks! Buy some dried out corn stalks, prop them up, and call it a day. Here’s a beautiful example:

Via The Yellow Cape Cod

I did it on my own front door a few years ago and got a great response from passers-by:

I found my corn stalks at the Home Depot! They are so inexpensive!  You can also try a local nursery.

So there you have it:

1. Pumpkins and Mums
2. A Wreath
3. Corn Stalks

Pick one or two from this list and you are in business. I’ll make sure to post a photo of my own front door this year when I finally get my act together.  Expect to see some corn stalks! Happy fall decorating, everyone!

Lorri Dyner is an interior designer and blogger who believes in the power of "decorating for the rest of us." Using clever, accessible, and affordable ideas, she brings us insider tips and tricks that make our living spaces feel pulled together. Lorri resides in Westchester with her husband and two small children. Visit her at lorridynerdesign.com.


article from: http://www.westchestermagazine.com/Westchester-Home-Blog/October-2015/Simple-And-Easy-Fall-Front-Doors/ 

Real Estate Seen As Best Investment Again!

We are almost back to ‘pre-housing crash’ home values. The inventories of distressed properties (foreclosures & short sales) are shrinking dramatically. The economy is improving. The job numbers are headed in the right direction.

The big question that still remains: Have Americans regained their confidence in real estate as a worthy investment?

According to a survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates, Americans have put real estate back into first place as the best of all investments.

Bottom Line

Homeownership never lost its place as a key component of the American Dream for a host of financial and non-financial reasons. It is good to see that it has regained the top spot as best overall investment


Article from: http://www.keepingcurrentmatters.com/2015/08/19/real-estate-again-seen-as-best-investment/ 

New Shopping Center Rises in Dobbs Ferry

New tenants announced for Rivertowns Square, along Saw Mill River Parkway in Dobbs Ferry.

If your commute or list of weekend errands includes a drive along the Saw Mill River Parkway through Dobbs Ferry, surely you've noticed the huge new construction site developing at Lawrence Street/Exit 16.

Demolition of the 200,000-square-foot research building and laboratory has been completed, and now the $150 million mixed-use development known as Rivertowns Square is officially up and running — and already creating traffic headaches for commuters and residents of the river towns and Yonkers.

When it opens sometime next year, the new 17-acre shopping center will feature a hotel, luxury movie theater, restaurants, boutiques and a new 5-story apartment building with 202 units. Ten percent of the apartments will be affordable, under Westchester County guidelines.

Rivertowns Square is 80 percent pre-leased, according to the developer, and confirmed tenants include Mrs. Green’s Natural Market, Chipotle, Chop’t Salad, Buddha Asian Bistro, The Learning Experience (children's daycare) and Dobbs Ferry Gym (children only). Leasing is being handled exclusively by Greenstone Realty of Manhattan.


Rivertowns will wrap around Chauncey Square, the building that's already there, with tenants that include GNC, New York Sports Club and Starbucks.

The large structure now going up behind Chauncey Square will eventually have five stories. The first floor will have retail stores, with parking and the hotel lobby on the second floor and the 138-room hotel on the top three floors. The new shopping center will have 700-plus parking spaces.

Rivertowns, which will have 116,000 square feet of retail space, is being developed by Saber Real Estate Advisors LLC in partnership with Dobbs Ferry Capital Partners LLC under the name Saber Dobbs Ferry Associates LLC. Marty Berger is a principal at both Saber Real Estate Advisors and Saber Dobbs Ferry LLC.

The developer hopes to announce deals associated with the new hotel and movie theater in coming weeks.

Because of the length of time it took for the project to get the necessary town and village approvals and resolve an appeal, some previous deals with movie and hotel companies have fallen through.

The big project was in review with various town and village boards for four years, with an enormous amount of community opposition in Dobbs Ferry as well as in nearby Ardsley. (Rivertowns is in the Ardsley school district.)

Opponents have cited increased traffic and environmental and scenic concerns, while supporters, including Dobbs Ferry Mayor Hartley Connett, have pointed to more tax revenue, the creation of about 650 temporary and permanent jobs, and shopping and cultural enhancements.

Confirmed tenants at Rivertowns Square

• Mrs. Green’s Natural Food Market

• The Learning Experience – Children’s daycare

• Dobbs Ferry Gym – Children’s only Gym

• Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrance

• Chipotle Mexican Grill

• Chop’t Salad

• Buddha Asian Bistro



Save the Date

Along the Hudson 

Please join us for a day of exploration just 40 minutes north of the city. In partnership with Houlihan Lawrence and the EILEEN FISHER Leadership Institute, we invite you to explore the river towns. After taking the train up the Hudson, we'll greet you trackside with a curated map to send you on a self-guided tour through the beautiful village of Irvington. Later, we'll reconvene with a toast overlooking the Hudson after your day of adventures. 

-Event Details-

Spend the day sampling local producers from Irvington's farmer's market, visiting some of our favorite shops, and walks along the aqueduct to Washington Irving's historic estate. You may also sign up with Houlihan Lawrence to tour properties nearby. 

At 3pm, we will gather at the EILEEN FISHER Learning LAb in the historic Cosmopolitan Building designed by Standford White. As we share stories from the day, we will indulge in local liberations and small bites on the terrace overlooking the Hudson River. 

Follow us on Instagram in the weeks leading up to the event as we highlight some of the spots we will visit on the 31st. We look forward to spending the day with you! 

DATE: Sunday, May 31st, 2015

TIME: 11am-5 pm

LOCATION: Irvington, New York

Start: 11 am, Brrzaar, 7 N. Astor Street

Gather: 3pm, EILEEN FISHER Learning Lab, 50 S. Buckhout Street 

The Walk-In Closet Is the New Outdoor Kitchen: The Features You Find in New Homes Today

If you’ve been dreaming about that brand-new house with the outdoor kitchen, the two-story foyer, and the luxurious master bathroom, complete with a whirlpool tub—well, good luck finding one.

In prerecession times, developers had wrested such sexy amenities from the realm of luxury building into the everyman’s (and woman’s) home. But today? Homebuilders across the nation have decided to skip the sexy, cutting out those kinds of features in favor of efficient, organized, and pragmatic ones.

“Ten years ago we were talking about outdoor kitchens with a fancy wine rack,” says Stephen Melman, director of economic services at the National Association of Home Builders. “Now we’re talking about a closet. It’s not sexy, but that’s what people want.”

The NAHB surveyed nearly 400 builders earlier this year about the features they were most and least likely to include in homes and communities in 2015. In addition to outdoor kitchens, outdoor fireplaces, sunrooms, main-level carpeting, and media rooms are on the decline. On the rise: walk-in closets, laundry rooms, energy-efficient windows and appliances, and programmable thermostats—yes, there is a green theme. It’s all about efficiency, both of time and resources.

“If a working couple is trying to get out of the house in the morning, they need a walk-in closet in the master bedroom, they need a laundry room that’s well-lit and well-organized,” Melman says. “That’s how they improve the efficiency of the household, find clothes, get organized, and hide the clutter. Do they need a whirlpool or do they need a walk-in closet with a skylight?”

Melman says that even as the economy (at least in some sectors) continues to improve, buyers are fixated on comfort and affordability. It’s part of a postrecession cultural shift toward pragmatism. We’re not settling; we’ve merely changed our expectations for new homes, and homebuilders have adjusted their creations accordingly, appealing to a segment that’s willing to forgo a two-story foyer or family room to get a better price.

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According to a Pew Research survey (released in 2010, at the tail end of the recession), more than 62% of Americans said they had cut back on spending since the recession began, and 31% said they’d continue to hold down their spending even after the economy improved.

This is especially true among first-time home buyers, many of whom are millennials.

“As first-time buyers, they are unlikely to opt for elaborate outdoor features when they are scraping to come up with a down payment,” Melman says.

Their list of most and least likely features does offer a few surprises; it’s not all about the decline of luxury. Once a high-end item, granite countertops are now more popular than laminate. Builders are swapping the two-story family room for a great room. Specialty spots such as media rooms or sunrooms are being replaced by spaces that are more flexible, Melman says, especially additional bedrooms. And communities with jogging and walking trails, previously coveted, are now less popular than a two-car garage. The cost of the land, Melman says, is just too high.

Yet just because these features are less common doesn’t mean you can’t get your hands on a house that includes them. All you have to do is spend more money. In places with weaker markets, you might see such features built into homes priced above $500,000. In places such as San Francisco or New York, you might get an apartment barely larger than a walk-in closet for that amount.

Features such as outdoor kitchens have slipped back into the province of the luxury buyer; you’ll still see them in high-end homes, but your average home buyers will have to be content with their Weber grill.

Below you’ll find ranked lists of most and least likely features to be included in a new home, plus those that remain perennial. The builders graded each feature on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means “not at all likely to include” and 5 means “definitely will include.”

Features least likely to be found in new homes and communities

1. Outdoor kitchen
2. Laminate countertop
3. Outdoor fireplace
4. Sunroom
5. Two-story family room
6. Media room
7. Two-story foyer
8. Walking/jogging trails
9. Whirlpool tub in master bath
10. Carpeting on main level

Features most likely to be found in new homes

1. Walk-in closet
2. Laundry room
3. Low-emissivity windows
4. Great room
5. Energy Star appliances
6. Energy Star windows
7. Ceiling 1st floor 9’
8. 2-car garage
9. Programmable thermostat
10. Granite countertop


Features most likely to last

  • Solar panels: “With their increasing availability and affordability, solar panels are going to be the next big thing,” Melman says.
  • Garages: “People love their garages for storage space even if they don’t put cars in them,” he says. “I think at least the two-bay garage is here to stay.”
  • Additional bedrooms: “We have boomerang children, we have aging parents, we have caregivers who live with us, so we need the extra space.”
  • Decorative aging-in-place features: They include decorative handrails in bathrooms, higher toilets, and step-free showers, Melman says.

Article from: http://www.realtor.com/news/the-most-and-least-likely-features-youll-find-in-a-new-home-today/ 

Attaining the American Dream: The 5 Financial Reasons to Buy

We have reported many times that the American Dream of homeownership is alive and well. The personal reasons to own differ for each buyer, with many basic similarities.

Eric Belsky, the Managing Director of the Joint Center of Housing Studies at Harvard University expanded on the top 5 financial benefits of homeownership in his paper -The Dream Lives On: the Future of Homeownership in America.

Here are the five reasons, each followed by an excerpt from the study:

1.) Housing is typically the one leveraged investment available.

“Few households are interested in borrowing money to buy stocks and bonds and few lenders are willing to lend them the money. As a result, homeownership allows households to amplify any appreciation on the value of their homes by a leverage factor. Even a hefty 20 percent down payment results in a leverage factor of five so that every percentage point rise in the value of the home is a 5 percent return on their equity. With many buyers putting 10 percent or less down, their leverage factor is 10 or more.”

2.) You're paying for housing whether you own or rent.

“Homeowners pay debt service to pay down their own principal while households that rent pay down the principal of a landlord.”

3.) Owning is usually a form of “forced savings”.

“Since many people have trouble saving and have to make a housing payment one way or the other, owning a home can overcome people’s tendency to defer savings to another day.”

4.) There are substantial tax benefits to owning.

“Homeowners are able to deduct mortgage interest and property taxes from income...On top of all this, capital gains up to $250,000 are excluded from income for single filers and up to $500,000 for married couples if they sell their homes for a gain.”

5.) Owning is a hedge against inflation.

“Housing costs and rents have tended over most time periods to go up at or higher than the rate of inflation, making owning an attractive proposition.”

Bottom Line

We realize that homeownership makes sense for many Americans for an assortment of social and family reasons. It also makes sense financially. If you are considering a purchase this year, contact a local professional who can help evaluate your ability to do so.


Article from: http://www.keepingcurrentmatters.com/2015/05/11/attaining-the-american-dream-the-5-financial-reasons-to-buy/ 

In Home Decor, Less Is More

Refreshing your living space is all about subtraction,, not addition. 

When you live in a small space, especially if you are a renter, it’s often difficult to keep your home streamlined. Clean lines and simple design aren’t achieved easily. The key is to avoid overcrowding so your space can sing.

Editing a space is a trade secret of quality interior decorating. Here are some tricks for redecorating using items you already have. You’ll be amazed how a quick rearrangement can change your perspective.

Color-matching vibe

End tables often become a magnet for magazines, keys, office supplies and more.

Get rid of the debris, then discourage it from accumulating again by grabbing a few favorite titles with color-matching bindings and stacking them to create a sweet, concise arrangement. Add interest by introducing an item with personal significance, like a camera or vase.

You’ve already got the materials for this easy update, and even a small edit can have big impact. Your space will instantly look bigger and cleaner.

Clear out the clutter

The dining room table and office spaces can quickly become cramped or overcrowded.

Clear off your pop-up office and unopened mail, and replace the mess with one seasonal arrangement on the table.

Large palm fronds in a tall glass vase make for an eye-catching centerpiece. Putting natural wood near metal accents creates a contrast in textures. This large custom wood table next to the radiator screams brownstone charm.

Streamlining is an amazing way to draw the eye to your home’s accents. The age-old Coco Chanel saying to take one accessory off applies to your surfaces as well as your outfits.

Paint it white

The trend a few decades ago was to surprise with loud bursts of colors and accent walls. While bold colors have their place in the design world, the trend of the moment is simple white.

But don’t think going with white limits your options. It’s not your mother’s eggshell anymore, and you can really express yourself with this powerful neutral. For example, Sherwin-Williams offers tons of shades, like Ice CubeOpera Glass, and Medici Ivory.

A white backdrop brings the spotlight back to your amazing home. Whether you highlight its delightfully worn hardwood floors or boldly accented side pieces, your space can act as a canvas to show off all the furniture and personal touches you’ve added through the years.

Make a sale

If you’ve got old books, records or dishware taking up valuable space, there are tons of ways to make sure these unwanted items find a good home.

Use websites like Krrb.com to sell or trade your unwanted home furnishings. Even an old-fashioned yard (or, in this case, stoop) sale can keep your discarded belongings out of the landfill.

Article from: http://www.zillow.com/blog/in-home-decor-less-is-more-175142/ 


Come see 6 Club Lane in Elmsford, NY 10523. 

May 16, 2015 from 1-3 PM

May 17, 2015 from 1-3 PM

This Tudor style colonial is on an acre of private property in the Knollwood Country Club grounds. Completely renovated with new flooring, crown molding, new bathrooms, and a master bedroom with a Jacuzzi and stand up shower. New driveway with extensive landscaping, outdoor lighting, and an in ground pool. 

Our Newest Listing - Beautiful Home at 1 Knollwood Crest

Located on Knollwood Country Club grounds, superbly constructed luxury residence offers 9000 + square feet of gracious living. Set on over one acre, this stunning house offers a two story foyer, seven bedrooms, five and a half baths, which includes the first floor master bedroom suite, a large Gourmet kitchen, breakfast room with butlers pantry and ice maker, wine cooler, twelve seat theater room, fully equipped gym with sauna, full bath, heated salt water gunite pool with water fall and hot tub, fenced in basketball court, outdoor kitchen with pizza oven, large stone patio with outdoor TV for summer entertaining. 30 minutes to New York City. 

Article from: http://www.houlihanlawrence.com/property/34912752/1-knollwood-crest-elmsford-ny-10523 

6 Westchester Home- Staging Quick Hits

Local home-staging expert Marlene Gold offers up insider tips designed to put your home’s best square foot forward.

An accredited staging professional, certified interior decorator, and former PR exec in the home-furnishings industry, Larchmont’s Marlene Gold founded Gold Staging & Redesign in 2008. Since then, home staging—visually presenting a house to its best advantage—continues to be a critical real-estate marketing tool. Want to attract serious buyers this fall—or just spruce up the family home? Check out Gold’s expert advice. 

Refrain from staging in your own decorating style.

Professional stagers remove the sellers’ personality so that it doesn’t distract buyers from envisioning the home as their own. This should not be an opportunity to express your personal talent and style, explains Gold.

Consider a neutral color palette. Light grays, blues, and whites are current, says Gold, and will help buyers envision their own furniture in your house. Check out HomeGoods, Target, and Pier 1 for accessories, and IKEA and Home Depot for lighting fixtures with the look of upscale designers at discount prices. Gold also likes Overstock.com for well-priced designer bedding.

Refrain from putting tablecloths on dining-room or kitchen tables. The more shiny surfaces there are in a space to reflect the light, the brighter and more spacious it will appear, says Gold.  

Choose one or two large pieces of art for less visual clutter. And refrain from hanging art on an angle—too distracting, Gold explains—or covering every wall with lots of small pieces.

Invest time and energy on your home’s exterior. Curb appeal counts—many buyers will do a drive-by before scheduling the first appointment. 

Resist the urge to “decorate to sell.” You may think that by buying lots of new accessories and occasional furniture you will give the room the “wow” it needs but, says Gold, “You’re just trading clutter with too many distracting small things.” 

Article from: http://www.westchestermagazine.com/Westchester-Magazine/January-2015/6-Westchester-Home-Staging-Quick-Hits/

Almost a full recovery for the local housing market

The real estate market in the Lower Hudson Valley has nearly climbed out from under the dismal days of the 2008-2009 recession.

In Westchester, the median cost of a single-family home was up 4 percent last year, from $610,000 in 2013 to $635,000 in 2014. That's just 7 percent below the 2007 peak price of $685,000.

In Rockland, the median cost of a single-family home was $400,000, a 3.2 percent increase. The median in Putnam was $310,000, up 0.6 from 2013.

The numbers come from the annual report by the Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, which was released Monday. The group encompasses Multiple Listing Service members in Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and Orange counties.


2014 Housing report

"It really depends on the geographic area — each county is different — but overall I think the region is making the climb out of the hole," said Leah Caro, president of the Hudson Gateway MLS and president of Bronxville Real Estate. "Westchester probably was the first to show signs of life, followed by Rockland, then Putnam. Orange County has been slower to respond. But all are starting to get their legs back."

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The luxury market in Westchester — $2 million and up — shot up 16 percent last year. This five bedroom waterfront home on Manursing Island in Rye is on the market for $9,250,000.(Photo: file Tania Savayan/The Journal News)

"We were very busy in the fourth quarter," she added. "The fourth quarter tends to be slow, because of the holidays and all. I think we'll see a very early spring market."

The condo and co-op market is also showing new signs of life, particularly in the fourth quarter, when the number of sales of condos rose 13.7 percent in Westchester and co-op sales shot up 24 percent. In Rockland, sales of condos during the quarter rose 27.6 percent.

The MLS group reported 14,169 residential closings (including condos and co-ops) in the four counties in 2014, the highest number for any year since the 2008-2009 recession and 1.1 percent more than in 2013.

Sellers' market?

Good news for Westchester sellers: The average number of days that a single-family house in Westchester sits on the market — 99 days for 2014 compared to 112 in 2013 — is close to the peak-market times of 2006 (95 days), according to the 4th Quarter Market Report by Houlihan Lawrence, the largest agency in the county. Further, sellers in the county are getting the closest to their asking price since 2005.

"I do think the pendulum is starting to swing" toward sellers, Caro said. "It's not a fierce swing that I see, which is good. You want a balance. No one wants to see another housing bubble."

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A view of the Gardens at Pretty Penny, actress Helen Hayes' former home in Nyack, May 13, 2011. Mark Bloom, of Bloom River Gardens in Oregon, has shipped dozens of one-or-a-kind conifer trees (pines, cypress, spruce, cedar etc) here in recent years. ( Tania Savayan / The Journal News )(Photo: Staff)

Traditionally, Rye has been one of the strongest real estate markets in Westchester, and the 2014 numbers reflect that. In the Rye school district, the median price for single-family homes shot up 23 percent last year, from $1.487 million to $1.835. And the median number of days homes sat on the market in Rye plummeted to a 10-year low of 70 in 2014, compared to 126 the previous year.

Interestingly, there was a 25 percent drop in the number of home sales in Rye, which Fiona Dogan, an agent with Julia B. Fee Sotheby's International Realty, attributes primarily to the decline in inventory of homes priced below $1 million.

"The median price increased due to the popularity of new construction and renovated homes in the $1.5 to $2.5 million range," Dogan said. "New and newer construction homes are still the most sought-after homes in the Rye city school district, and with over 40 new construction homes either planned or on the market in 2015-2016, this trend is certain to continue."

Luxury market up

Beyond Rye, the luxury market in Westchester — $2 million and up — had a huge surge at the end of the year, shooting up 28 percent in the fourth quarter vs. a year ago, according to the Houlihan Lawrence report. For the whole year, the luxury market was up 16 percent.

And the inventory of luxury homes in Westchester remains high, with a 25 percent year-over-year increase.

Fourth-quarter closings were strong across the board in all four counties, up 6.9 percent compared to the same period in 2013.

Year over year, the number of single-family homes sold in Westchester (5,394) dipped about 1 percent in 2014, from 5,442 in 2013. Rockland had a similar decline — 1,514 last year vs. 1,523 in 2013. But in Putnam they were up about 6 percent (719 to 763).

Top price for the year? That honor goes to Ron Howard, whose 32-acre property in Armonk and Greenwich went for $27.5 million, making it the highest residential home sale in Westchester history.


Article from: http://www.lohud.com/story/money/real-estate/lohud-real-estate/2015/01/12/lower-hudson-valley-housing-numbers/21649215/

Interesting Story For all the Millennials out there!! "Housing 2015: The return of first-time home buyers"


When it comes to the housing market, 2015 may be the year first-time home buyers make a comeback.

With rents rising faster than incomes, many Millennials are expected to start looking to buy homes of their own.What they will find are much more favorable conditions than they have seen in years, including lower down payment mortgages, looser lending standards and a bigger selection of homes to choose from.

Here are four housing market trends economists and other industry experts expect to see in the year ahead.

1. Looser lending standards

Conspicuously absent from the housing market over the past five years have been first-time home buyers.

But in early December, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac put new lending guidelines in place and started offering 3% down payment mortgages that will make it easier for more first-time buyers to qualify for a mortgage.

Add to that a strengthening job market, and prospects look much brighter for young home buyers.

"It's already begun that Millennials are going back into the market," said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's Analytics.

According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, sales of new homes are expected to climb by more than 13% in 2015, while existing home sales are expected to increase by 5%.

A spike in the number of first-time home buyers should spark a chain reaction by enabling existing homeowners to sell their homes and buy more expensive ones, said Zandi.

2. There will be more homes to choose from

Builders are ramping up production of smaller homes to accommodate these new entry-level buyers, said Stan Humphries, chief economist for Zillow.

Homebuilder D.R. Horton formed Express Homes, to build no-frills homes ranging in price from $120,000 to $150,000, about half the average price of the homes it normally builds. Other builders, like LGI Homes and KB Homes are also targeting first-time buyers.

3. Home prices will become more affordable

With so many new homes slated to come onto the market, the supply is expected to loosen up and take some pressure off of home prices. That should improve affordability in some of the more out-of-reach metro area markets like Washington, D.C., San Jose, Calif., and Seattle.

Related: 10 hottest housing markets for 2015

Plus, says Robert Shiller, the Nobel-Prize winning economist and co-founder of the S&P/Case-Shiller home price index, "home prices look somewhat expensive." In fact, he thinks a decline in home prices is a "distinct possibility."

Other economists expect to see small gains.

Jed Kolko expects increases, but only in low single-digit percentages because there will be fewer big institutional investors buying up properties and propping up prices.

4. Mortgage rates will move higher -- at some point

If there's any single market trend that real estate industry pros have gotten consistently wrong lately, it's the direction of mortgage rates. But most do expect rates to rise at some point in 2015.

Related: Getting a mortgage is about to get easier

In December, the Federal Reserve signaled that it would not raise the Federal Funds rate until the summer of 2015 or perhaps even later.

Keith Gumbinger of HSH.com, a mortgage information provider, expects mortgage rates to peak next year at about 4.75% for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. He doesn't see rates rising much beyond 5%, which would still be "very favorable rate, historically."

Khater doesn't even expect rates to go that high. He predicts rates to top out at 4.5%, which should do little to affect buyers. An increase to 4.5% from the current 4% adds about $60 a month to mortgage payments on a loan with a principal balance of $200,000.

Good Article from NY Times about the migration of Brooklynites (Rivertowns)

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/24/realestate/moving-out-of-brooklyn-because-of-high-prices.html?emc=eta1&_r=0


By many measures, Jeff Huston and his wife, Lisa Medvedik-Huston, arrived late to Williamsburg, Brooklyn. They weren’t among the first waves of artists and hipsters in the early-to-mid ’90s to cross the East River in search of cheaper, grittier confines. When they rented a spacious, duplex loft two blocks from the Bedford Avenue subway stop in 2007, they found a safe neighborhood already dotted with clothing boutiques and wine shops. The height of the real estate boom was approaching, and condos were rising along both the waterfront and McCarren Park.

Yet Brooklyn was still emerging from its postwar slump, and the borough felt new to many, including the young couple. It was five years before the first episode of “Girls” aired on HBO. The concerts that excited the neighborhood were held at an unused city pool, not a world-class arena christened by Jay Z. And real estate investors eager to make all-cash deals were still fixated on Manhattan.

Over the past several years the couple witnessed the much-bemoaned arrival of banker types, chain stores and tourists. Brooklyn has become a global brand.

And last year, when they were ready to buy, the couple quickly realized they had been priced out. “I can’t tell you how many listings said, ‘cash only,’ ” said Mr. Huston, whose real estate search included everything from $500,000 apartments to $900,000 fixer-upper rowhouses and took him from Williamsburg to Bedford-Stuyvesant. “That was a wake-up call.”

And so the Hustons bid farewell to Brooklyn. In October, they spent $550,000 on a 2,000-square-foot loft in a converted suitcase factory in Jersey City Heights, a section of Jersey City that overlooks Hoboken. “We weren’t sure there was anyone like us in the neighborhood,” he said. Then a Brooklyn-style coffee shop arrived. “The line down the street was all people like us. We could have been in Williamsburg. It was all, like, expats.”

Fed up with rising rents, bidding wars and neighborhoods that no longer resemble the low-rise bohemian enclaves they found when they arrived, many Brooklynites are moving out. They include decade-long renters who can no longer keep up with price hikes, qualified buyers who have been outbid one too many times, and young families who simply can’t find the space they want at prices they can afford.

Many have tried in earnest to stay in Brooklyn, squeezing into smaller spaces or heading deeper into the borough in search of affordability. But there comes a point when that hourlong commute becomes difficult to justify, and the realization strikes that a house with a yard in Maplewood, N.J., can be had for about the same price as a condo in Midwood.

In the northwest part of the borough, where chain stores like J. Crew and Rag & Bone are edging out locally owned bars and organic grocers, “Brooklyn has become unaffordable,” said Victoria Hagman, the broker-owner of the Realty Collective, founded in 2005. “For normal, middle-class people with good credit, we used to be able to say, ‘We can find you something.’ ” Now, even in once working-class areas like Windsor Terrace, Kensington, Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant, she said, “people are priced out of purchasing and landlords are asking egregious numbers.”

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Neighborhoods in the central and eastern parts of Brooklyn largely remain low-income. But a combination of scarce listings, high demand and rapid-fire gentrification has sent prices soaring in the northwest quadrant, from Red Hook to Greenpoint along the waterfront and inland to Gowanus and Park Slope South. In the second quarter of 2014, 107 sales priced above $2 million took place, more than any other prior quarter, according to the Corcoran Group. Those deals included a $10.625 million townhouse on Willow Street in Brooklyn Heights, a $5 million loft in a shoe polish factory turned luxury condo building in Williamsburg, and a $3.15 million condo in Dumbo, to name a few.


Kathleen Kim and Brian Witte moved into a three-bedroom, one-bath rental in leafy Sunnyside, Queens, after giving up on finding suitable quarters in Brooklyn. Hesitant at first about the move, they find they like the “small town in the big city feel,” Mr. Witte says. Credit Emily Andrews for The New York Times

Such high-end sales helped shrink the gap in median real estate price, which measures the middle of the market, between Brooklyn ($575,000) and Manhattan ($910,000) by 33 percent to $335,000 in the second quarter, down from $500,000 in 2008, before the collapse of the real estate market, said Jonathan J. Miller, the president of Miller Samuel, an appraisal firm.

Renters aren’t faring much better. The median rental price in northern Brooklyn was up 6.6 percent to $2,852 in July, marking the 14th consecutive year-over-year increase in monthly rent, according to a report by Douglas Elliman. That is $353 cheaper than the median monthly rent in Manhattan. Five years ago Brooklyn was $1,030 cheaper.

Sure, some Brooklynites who have noticed the shrinking gap are choosing to settle in the far corners of the Upper East and West Sides of Manhattan. But Brooklyn has shed its image as a bargain-priced alternative to Manhattan.

“One of the things I find sort of fascinating is that there were so many people in the city in my generation whose parents were struggling to get either themselves or their kids out of Brooklyn, and those people’s kids are now back in Brooklyn,” said Frederick Peters, 62, the president of Warburg Realty, a luxury Manhattan-based brokerage firm. “It kind of changed from Manhattan being aspirational for the generation of people who are 40 or under, to Brooklyn being aspirational.” As a result, he said, “most of the Brooklyn business we do is with people for whom that’s their first choice.”

The tendency is to move the search deeper into Brooklyn before looking elsewhere. Then, somewhere around Midwood, brokers say, the train ride to Manhattan becomes an issue for commuters and people begin searching for alternatives — including in areas they may have turned up their noses at just a few years ago.

When friends of Mr. Huston, 42, a filmmaker, and Ms. Medvedik-Huston, 43, an accessories designer, bought a brownstone in Jersey City several years ago, “I thought they were out of their minds,” Mr. Huston said. But now, having left their 688-square-foot Williamsburg rental to buy a 2,000-square-foot loft in Jersey City Heights, his view has changed. Their new home, a duplex, has two bedrooms, two baths, 11 floor-to-ceiling windows, exposed brick walls and a wine cellar. Two swings hang by ropes from the wooden beams. “It was a no-brainer, trust me,” he said, noting that their monthly outlay is just a couple hundred dollars more than what they paid in Williamsburg.

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Chris Braun, recently moved from Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, stops along bustling 116th Street in East Harlem. Credit Emily Andrews for The New York Times

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“We have noticed a growing trend of more people that are priced out of Brooklyn that have been driven our way,” said Matt Brown, a broker at Halstead Property in Hoboken, who along with his business partner, Peter Cossio, is a proponent of the area’s townhouse stock, proximity to Manhattan and lower prices. They pointed out in a market report that the average price of a condo in Hoboken was $590,912 or $576 a square foot in the first half of 2014, versus $1,534,701 or $1,049 a square foot in the North Brooklyn area encompassing Brooklyn Heights, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill, Dumbo, Red Hook and the Columbia Street waterfront.

The northward migration of young Brooklyn parents along New York river towns like Hastings-on-Hudson, Irvington and Beacon has been well chronicled. Montclair and Maplewood, N.J., also have their share. And brokers and residents alike report a virtual pipeline of Brooklyn defectors to Queens.

Kathleen Kim and her husband, Brian Witte, hoping to start a family, initially went looking for a two-bedroom for $2,800 a month or less in Williamsburg, where they rented a one-bedroom with an office just off the Graham Avenue stop on the L line for $2,330 a month. They also searched in Carroll Gardens, Fort Greene, Park Slope, Windsor Terrace and Greenpoint. But the apartments all came with caveats, said Ms. Kim, 34, a freelance television producer, rattling off a few: “has washer/dryer, good space or an updated kitchen but is a trek to the nearest subway ... amazing location but the second bedroom is actually an alcove between the living room and actual bedroom ... right near Prospect Park but has claustrophobic, windowless ant colony layout.”

It wasn’t until they had exhausted Brooklyn’s “deeper cuts,” as Ms. Kim described neighborhoods like Sunset Park, Kensington and Gowanus, that their friend Daniel Day Lee, a real estate agent with Citi Habitats, suggested they take a look at Sunnyside, Queens. They were reluctant at first. “Brian,” Ms. Kim said, “held some reservations about the Q word.” But after a visit, Mr. Witte, 36, a media planner at Comedy Central, was quickly sold on the neighborhood’s stately Tudor buildings, wide diversity, dead-on Manhattan views, attractive prices and “small town in the big city feel.”

Last month, the couple moved into a corner, three-bedroom, one-bath with new floors and stainless-steel appliances, including a five-burner stove, on the top floor of a six-story Tudor-style elevator building. The monthly rent: $2,750.

“I loved living in Williamsburg,” Ms. Kim said. “And for single young people moving to the city, I would not blame them for paying loads more to live in a tiny space there. But we’re moving into a different stage in our life, and for the pace and the price, Sunnyside was the logical next step for us.”


Mr. Braun's new home; a condo in this new apartment building in East Harlem that he says was more affordable than anything he could find in Brooklyn. Credit Emily Andrews for The New York Times

It wasn’t all that long ago that couples priced out of Manhattan were saying the same thing about Brooklyn. “Brooklyn started to really blossom in many ways because Manhattan was getting too expensive,” said Jonathan Bowles, the executive director of the Center for an Urban Future, a nonpartisan research group in New York. “You had college professors, nonprofit staff, people in publishing, teachers. They were middle class and very highly educated and went to Brooklyn because of the kind of creativity and arts scene and people like them, frankly. For people in those same professions today, Brooklyn is mainly unaffordable — those same neighborhoods are clearly unaffordable.”

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Part of the challenge for those wanting to remain in the borough is that just as in Manhattan, inventory is excruciatingly low. The number of apartments for sale dropped 5.9 percent to 4,426 in the second quarter of 2014, yet sales surged 12.5 percent to 2,086.

Intense competition over scarce listings means buyers who require a mortgage may be out of luck. “Inventory has been so tight that right now you are up against tremendous competition,” said Aleksandra Scepanovic, a founder and the managing director of the Ideal Properties Group, a Brooklyn-based firm she started in 2007 with her partner, Erik Serras. Apartment hunters in Brooklyn are coming up against “a different caliber of buyer,” a buyer armed with liquid assets. “At the same open house,” she added, “they are ready to write a check today.”

A review of Ideal Properties clients who bought in northwest Brooklyn in the second quarter of 2014 reflects the trend. Nearly a third of the 382 home buyers earned at least $300,000 a year, compared with just 11 percent a year ago. During the same time frame, 65 percent of home buyers offered to pay with cash, compared with 32 percent a year earlier. Most of the buyers have jobs in sales, finance or accounting.

For some Brooklynites the arrival of this wealthier class of buyers and the Manhattanesque stores that have popped up to cater to them signals the end of an era.


“Carroll Gardens used to be a place in the summertime where you could get an Italian ice at one of so many pizza places,” said Chris Braun, a psychology professor at Hunter College, who moved to Carroll Gardens in 2001 for its quiet streets, Italian bakeries and Virgin Mary statues in the front yards of brownstones. “Now people go to 16 Handles,” he said referring to a self-serve frozen yogurt chain that replaced a local joint named Joe’s Luncheonette. “It’s a different group of families,” he continued. “It’s families that want the 16 Handles and not to talk to Sal.”

He will soon close on a new two-bedroom condo in East Harlem for $630 a square foot. Not only is the price better than anything he saw in Brooklyn, he said, but the neighborhood also has a lot of character. The housing stock is beautiful, he said, and people mingle on the street.

“On Sunday,” he said, “you see ladies walking around in their curlers and housedresses. It’s not so sanitized,” he continued. “It just felt like New York again to me.”


A version of this article appears in print on August 24, 2014, on page RE1 of the New York edition with the headline: Life After Brooklyn. Order Reprints|Today's Paper

Planting Art as Inspiration for Breast Cancer Patients

Planting Art as Inspiration

New Arrivals in the Marian and Hans Kretsch Meditation Gardens

During the construction of Ann’s Place, one of oncologist Dr. Marc Rappaport’s patients, a realtor who was fighting breast cancer, spoke to him about a property she was brokering in Greenburg, New York.  An estate was being liquidated in advance of a new subdivision.  Debra Tricarico (pictured left), who was with Houlihan Lawrance in Westchester County, was being treated at Danbury Hospital.  Today she also represents Berkshire Hathaway Home Services in Brookfield, CT.   “Dr. Rappaport was awesome; I could not have survived without him,” Debra says today.  

Debra also credits being a client of Ann's Place as an invaluable part of her cancer care, the services Ann's Place provided to her pulled her though her treatment phase, throughout her treatment she didn't miss a single day of work. 


Dr. Rappaport is a cancer survivor himself and has helped facilitate the Young Adults Group and make scientific presentations at Ann’s Place, including the upcoming Head and Neck Cancer Panel.  What Debra was describing to her oncologist was not simply an estate.  It was an estate with a sculpture garden, amassed over the last 50 years by Edward and Doris Rosenthal.  On the grounds was a cottage that served as a studio for Masami Kodama, a sculptor who had immigrated to America from Hiroshima, Japan in 1964.  Kodama found a patron in the Rosenthal family and produced many abstract works, which have found homes in museums, public, private and corporate collections, while others remained on the estate.  Professor Kodama also taught sculpture at the Brooklyn Museum Art School. 

With Dr. Rappaport’s encouragement, Debra approached the Rosenthal family with a recommendation.  As they were donating the remaining sculptures to cities and museums to clear the estate, Debra spoke passionately about Ann’s Place and the inspiration she and other survivors have found there.  Wouldn’t a meditative sculpture add timeless inspiration to the grounds where clients come for peace and solace on their cancer journey?  

The family was receptive to the idea and vetted the agency over the next several months to ensure that Ann’s Place was soundly run.  Debra connected the estate heirs to then agency President Wilda Hayes and Chairman Paul Dinto and site visits and discussions began, with Debra, still in chemo and actively working, as the go-between.  In the end, it was decided that two pieces would come to Ann’s Place as a gift from Jason and Nancy Rosenthal.

On Friday, June 13th, 2014, during a monsoon rainstorm, Mariano Brothers of Bethel arrived with giant rigs to plant the two granite pieces on the grounds.  Staff and clients watched in fascination as thousand of pounds of stone were lowered to the ground.  With cancer not being a stranger to their families, the company donated their services and crew for hours of careful work.  Earlier, another mover who lost his mother to cancer had donated moving and storing the pieces until the right time for installation.

It comes full circle: a caring community gives back and allows the next generation of people whose lives are interrupted by cancer to take advantage of all the resources for their journey.  Debra Tricarico and all the others involved became part of that circle of paying it forward.  The circle concept is appropriately echoed in both of the Kodama sculptures that now grace the grounds at Ann’s Place.